From: julie hart [ ]
Sent: Thursday, 29 January 2015 10:24 PM
To: Dupont, Patrick
Subject: Inquiry into unconventional gas mining - submission
Patrick Dupont
Executive Officer Natural Resources Committee of the South Australian Parliament.
Standing Committees
55th Parliament (Current)
Executive Officer,
Natural Resource Committee
GPO Box 572,
Adelaide SA 5001
Email patrick.dupont@parliament.sa.gov.au
To Natural Resources Committee,
Re; Inquiry into Unconventional Gas and Fracking in SE of SA
We understand that the Limestone Coast Protection Alliance Inc is writing a submission for this
inquiry and that they do not support unconventional gas and fracking in the SE of SA for the
following reasons;
potential for water contamination caused by spills, leaks, chemicals and accidents
potential for well integrity failure due to finite lifespan of cement and steel
potential for air pollution detrimental to health of natural environment, humans and
potential for industrialisation of landscape and loss of "clean and green" image
unsustainable competition with existing industries such as agriculture, horticulture,
viticulture and tourism which will have a detrimental impact on local economy
unsustainable competition
Standing Committees
51st Parliament
Parliament of South Australia
Natural Resources Committee
11 September 2015
Update: Inquiry into Unconventional Gas (Fracking)
in the South East of South Australia
Presiding Member Hon Steph Key MP announced timelines for the Natural Resources Committee’s
Inquiry into Fracking/Unconventional Gas.
Standing Committees
54th Parliament
Parliament of South Australia
Natural Resources Committee
11 September 2015
Update: Inquiry into Unconventional Gas (Fracking)
in the South East of South Australia
Presiding Member Hon Steph Key MP announced timelines for the Natural Resources Committee’s
Inquiry into Fracking/Unconventional Gas.
Standing Committees
51st Parliament
Inquiry into Unconventional Gas (Fracking): Potential risks and impacts in the use of
hydraulic fracture stimulation to produce gas in the South East of South Australia
January 28th 2015
Lock the Gate Alliance is a national grassroots organisation made up of thousands of individuals
and over 240 local groups who are concerned about unsafe or inappropriate mining.
Standing Committees
52nd Parliament
Executive Officer,
Natural Resource Committee
GPO Box 572,
Adelaide SA 5001
Email patrickdupont@parliamentsa.gov.au
To Natural Resources Committee,
Re; Inquiry into Unconventional Gas and Fracking in SE of SA
We understand that the Limestone Coast Protection Alliance Inc is writing a submission for
this inquiry and that they do not support unconventional gas and fracking in the SE of SA
for the following reasons;
• potential for water contamination caused by spills, leaks, chemicals and accidents
• potential for well integrity failure due to finite lifespan of cement and steel
• potential for air pollution detrimental to health of natural environment, humans and
• potential for industrialisation of landscape and loss of "clean and green" image
• unsustainable competition with existing industries such as agriculture, horticulture,
viticulture and tourism which will have a detrimental impact on local economy
• unsustainable competition for finite water resources
Standing Committees
51st Parliament
/ub(\o510e) 59
Executive Officer,
Natural Resource Committee
GPO Box 572,
Adelaide SA 5001
Email patrick.dupont@parliamentsa.gov.au
To Natural Resources Committee,
Re; Inquiry into Unconventional Gas and Fracking
inquiry in SE of SA
Submission From Mount Gambier Friends of Parks
We oppose unconventional gas and fracking in the South East of South Australia.
Standing Committees
52nd Parliament
/ub(\o510e) 59
Executive Officer,
Natural Resource Committee
GPO Box 572,
Adelaide SA 5001
Email patrick.dupont@parliamentsa.gov.au
To Natural Resources Committee,
Re; Inquiry into Unconventional Gas and Fracking
inquiry in SE of SA
Submission From Mount Gambier Friends of Parks
We oppose unconventional gas and fracking in the South East of South Australia.
Standing Committees
51st Parliament
It is intended as a guide
Beach Energy Submission SA Parliament Natural Resources Committee Inquiry into Unconventional Gas (Fracking)
for the purpose of the inquiry.
Standing Committees
51st Parliament
The Environment, Resources and Development Committee has resolved to conduct an inquiry into the urban forest.