The committee’s inquiry into unconventional gas has taken almost two years to complete.
Standing Committees
52nd Parliament
The committee’s inquiry into unconventional gas has taken almost two years to complete.
Standing Committees
52nd Parliament
Members look forward to continuing their work on the unconventional gas inquiry into the new year
and to delivering the final report in 2016.
Standing Committees
54th Parliament
The Natural Resources Committee resolved at its meeting on 27 June 2022 to conduct an inquiry into biological charcoal (biochar).
Executive Officer,
Natural Resource Committee
GPO Box 572,
Adelaide SA 5001
Email patrick.dupont@parliament.sa.gov.au
Re: Inquiry into Unconventional Gas and Fracking in SE of SA
To Natural Resources Committee,
We understand that the Limestone Coast Protection Alliance Inc.
Standing Committees
51st Parliament
Punari Prime SAMM
Debbie & Bruce Nulty
Submission to
Inquiry into:
Unconventional Gas (Fracking )
January 2015
Pursuant to section16(1)(a) of the Parliamentary Committee Act 1991
the committee is inquiring into potential risks and impacts in the use of hydraulic fracture
stimulation (Fracking) to produce gas in the South East of South Australia and in particular
Risks to groundwater contamination:
Impacts upon landscape
The effectiveness of existing legislation and regulation
The potential net economic outcome to the region and the rest of the states
Figure 1: Champion ram "ROGER" at the Royal Adelaide Show 2014.
Standing Committees
55th Parliament (Current)
Sent: Sunday, 25 January 2015 5:11 PM
To: Dupont, Patrick
Subject: Submission for Fracking Inquiry
Hello Patrick
Attached are seven files that represent my submission to the inquiry on fracking.
Standing Committees
51st Parliament
From: Chantelle Roberts <
Sent: Friday, 30 January 2015 7:39 PM
To: Dupont, Patrick
Cc: Piers Verstegen
Subject: CCWA submission to the South Australian Parliamentary Inquiry into
Unconventional Gas
Attachments: CCWA submission to gas fracking Parliamentary Inquiry-2014.pdf; Appendix A.pdf
FAO the Executive Officer, Natural Resources Committee
Dear Mr Dupont,
Please find attached a submission to the South Australian Parliamentary Inquiry into Unconventional Gas.
Standing Committees
51st Parliament
It is intended as a guide
Beach Energy Submission SA Parliament Natural Resources Committee Inquiry into Unconventional Gas (Fracking)
for the purpose of the inquiry.
Standing Committees
54th Parliament
It is intended as a guide
Beach Energy Submission SA Parliament Natural Resources Committee Inquiry into Unconventional Gas (Fracking)
for the purpose of the inquiry.
Standing Committees
55th Parliament (Current)